Saturday 15th July 2028
only 1362 days to go


After each Trial, the Flitch Oath is taken by successful claimants while kneeling on pointed stones on a dray, usually located in Market Place:

"You do swear by custom of confession
That you ne'er made nuptual transgression
Nor since you were married man and wife
By household brawls or contentious strife
Or otherwise in bed or at board
Offended each other in deed or in word
Or in a twelve months time and a day
Repented not in thought in any way
Or since the church clerk said amen
Wish't yourselves unmarried again
But continue true and desire
As when you joined hands in holy quire."

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As a Friend of the Flitch Trials, you will be helping to secure the future of this unique and ancient tradition. Every four years, the cost and complexity of putting on the Flitch Trials increases. With your support we can increase the network of people interested in preserving the custom and developing the event to ensure the Flitch Trials continues to be a mainstay on the town's event calendar.
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